Post by Silly Yak on Feb 14, 2011 8:54:22 GMT
Restaurant Card In restaurant you can use this text for explaining your needs: Mám celiakii a proto nemohu jíst jídla, která obsahují tyto obiloviny a výrobky z nich: pšenici, žito, jeèmen , oves nebo špaldu. Máte na jídelním lístku jídlo, které by bylo pro mne vhodné, nebo mùžete pøipravit moji porci bez zmínìných obilovin (napø. bez zahuštení omáèky nebo osmažit maso bez obalení) nebo místo toho použít mouku èi škrob z kukuøice, rýže, jáhel, pohanky èi brambor? Dìkuji Vám. I suffer from coeliac disease. Therefore, I am not allowed to eat dishes which contain the following cereals and derived products: wheat, rye, barley, oats or spelt. Are there any dishes on your menu without these ingredients? Alternatively, could you possibly prepare a meal without the cereals mentioned above (you could for instance, refrain from thickening my sauce or frying my veal cutlet with wheat flour and bread crumbs) or could you use some other cereals like maize, rice, millet, buckwheat or potato flour. Thank you. Other information re CD in Czech Republic on this site www.coeliac.cz/?Lang=eng&Doc=shopping............................................................................... www.celiactravel.com/gluten-free-cards/08-czech.html